England Planning a Trip travel guide

Getting from Liverpool to Manchester

Liverpool and Manchester are located just 35 miles from each other, making traveling between the two cities easy and cheap. If you arrive from Europe, you can fly into either city as both are served by airports. Of course, choose the most convenient flight. If you arrive from any other continent, you’ll have to connect through London.

Quick summary

The train and bus fares are similar for traveling between Liverpool and Manchester, so it’s basically a matter of choosing how fast you need to travel and whether you prefer the bus or the train.

Trains from Liverpool to Manchester

Trains connect Liverpool Lime Street station to Manchester Piccadilly station. There are departures every 10 to 30 minutes daily. The travel time is about an hour. Single fares start at £4.00 but they do depend on the time of departure.

Details, schedules and prices can be found here .

>>read more about Train Travel in England

Buses from Liverpool to Manchester

The central station in Manchester is Chorlton Street Coach Station and is located close to the city center. There are two companies to choose from when planning to travel between Liverpool and Manchester:

  • National Express : offers departures every 15 min, daily. The travel time is between 1h 20 min and 1h 45 min. Single fares start at £3.50 but depend on the time of departure.

  • Megabus : offers only two departures per day (leaving Liverpool at 6:35 a.m and 3:50 p.m.) ; the travel time is about 1h 25 min and the single fare is £4.00.

>>read more about Bus Travel in England

Driving from Liverpool to Manchester

You can rent a car in Liverpool and drive the 35 miles to Manchester. The easiest route is via M62. It should take about 45 min but it does depend on the traffic.

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