Blog Philosophy

It’s been a great run, but it’s time to go

The Scarborough and Fancher family photo 2010 (courtesy Korey Howell)I started this blog on February 10, 2006 at the recommendation of journalist friend and tech expert Dwight Silverman;  I was retiring from the Navy and planning to be a writer, and he said, “If you’re going to be a writer, you need to have a blog.”

Hmmm, well alrighty, then!

It was worse than the blind leading the blind – I was clueless and had no one leading me, either.  At least I had enough sense to know, even back in the mellower online world of 2006, that it would be better to write about a niche travel topic rather than try to break in as a general travel writer.  I chose family travel simply because I’d done it all over the world thanks to Navy assignments and could speak to the issues, not because I’m wildly maternal (as my kids will attest.) 🙂

My first post was the standard welcome to this new blog greeting, then the second was a fairly pointless one about American Express traveler’s checks. I finally said something useful when I wrote about Mini-Europe in Brussels, Belgium, and from there it was off and running.  I blogged to fill my spare time and to build an online presence in between print writing assignments, but instead found myself on the cusp of a publishing revolution.

I had no idea that blogging would become the impetus for covering motorsports like NHRA drag racing, meeting bloggers and startups in China, doing a lot of social media workshops and speaking plus launching an online course in social media marketing for tourism (all of which is about to lead to a book on tech-based entrepreneurship for people over 40.)

While I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing for and representing my host the BootsnAll Travel Network, my daughter Nancy started college this fall;  even though my son is still at home, it seems like a good time to turn this blog over to another parent who wants to tackle the joys of Walt Disney World, or safe flying with kids or top tips for kids in Tokyo.

As far as I know, Boots hasn’t selected a replacement for me yet, so if you’re interested (yes, it is a paid position) then I suggest you check the BootsnAll Travel Writer Platform page.

There is, of course, unfinished business.  I wasn’t able to complete the 50 States Series (got stuck on Mississippi for some reason) so I may try to pick that back up and continue it in some form elsewhere. There is a video or two that I never got around to editing, and a notebook with post ideas that I haven’t tackled yet.

Not to worry – I still write for the Perceptive Travel blog, do guest posts for other blogs and also plan to make Fridays a travel post day on my personal blog, Sheila’s Guide to the Good Stuff.

Thank you so much to all of the faithful readers who have been here since the beginning, and those who may have found Family Travel more recently.  I’ll never forget meeting some of my readers for the first time in person, at the BlogHer conference in 2007. It is the most wondrous feeling to have someone walk up and say, “Hi, I read your blog….”

I’m so grateful that you’ve all been along for the ride.  Let’s stay in touch, shall we?


The Christmas ornaments are coming out

Cape Hatteras NC lighthouse Christmas ornament (photo by Sheila Scarborough)It’s that time of year – when we pull out boxes o’ holiday stuff and try to figure out where it’s all going to go amongst all of the other stuff that’s already out.

(Still, it’s a nice problem to have.  Some folks don’t have homes at all….learn how to help from the incredible Mark Horvath and InvisiblePeople.TV.)

Meantime, the fresh-cut tree from Elgin Christmas Tree Farm is sitting on the porch in a bucket.  I know, that’s pretty lame since we brought it home on Saturday.

My daughter is now home from college to help decorate it, too, which my son is very excited about!

We may go as a family to see the new Harry Potter movie together, since we’re all fans.  It is nice that my son is old enough now to see more mature movies so we can see something besides kiddie stuff.

Meantime, from my archives, here is a Flickr photo slideshow of our Christmas ornaments from around the world (US ornaments and international ornaments.)

Pardon me while I go find more of those little hangars that the vacuum cleaner will be sucking up until July….