
Here We Go, Gang.

I’m ready to start properly using this blog. Over the next week, as promised awhile back, I’ll post detailed ideas for things to do with ‘tweens (ages about 9-12) and teens in Tokyo. I’m working hard to structure the site so that info is easily accessible, and I have a lot of material coming up on destinations all over the world. My efforts to sell some of my travel writing work have been unsuccessful so far, but I am optimistic and will keep launching my stuff out there. Meantime, this is my space to do with as I wish, so I’m looking forward to making it fun and useful for my readers. You can semi-flame me if stuff doesn’t come up fast enough; in fact, I’d be flattered by the attention.


Greetings family travelers!

Welcome to Family Travel. If you don’t want to change your itchy-footed ways even though you’re now a parent, this blog’s for you.

As the parent of two kids, ages 6 and 13, my husband and I have been blessed with the opportunity to show our children how much fun it is to see new places and explore different cities/states/countries. I grew up in a Navy family and I joined the Navy myself for one of the classic reasons: to see the world. I have not been disappointed.

When I leave the Navy, I plan to become a full-time freelance writer. Although I have never blogged before, this seems like a terrific way to get started giving people ideas about how to travel with kids.

In the next few months, I will post a variety of articles on both US and overseas family travel experiences. We have lived in Japan and the Netherlands, and as a preteen I lived in Bahrain, not to mention all of the places I’ve been able to go in the US.

To get started, I’ve posted a link (under My Travel Links) to the Travel With Kids site for my article on an American South Road Trip, and coming up soon, Tokyo With A ‘Tween.

Happy Trails….Seafarer