Hawaii USA

For Oahu and Maui travel tips, say Aloha to local bloggers

@ParkRat at Waiola Shave Ice, Honolulu, HawaiiFor tips and insights into Hawaii with keiki (kids) you can look at the visitor’s website for Hawaii, but also consider some kamaaina local bloggers who live right there in the islands with their families.

We met many of them during the So Much More Hawaii bloggers tour, when they served as our hosts and guides.

**  Oahu – we spent a memorable day in and around Honolulu with Russ the ParkRat, who writes ParkRat’s Playground. He took us to eat chilly delights at Waiola Shave Ice, we all toured the USS ARIZONA Memorial and we spent the evening at the beach crabbing with him and his kids by flashlight.

He also spends a lot of time thinking about food (a man after my own heart) so he and I both like Melissa and her Urban Mix Plate blog. So ono! Liza, author of A Maui Blog, and my son

**  Maui – Liza authors A Maui Blog, and she and her family were fantastic hosts.

They took us all around the island, including a drive up the Haleakala volcano (ooh, silverswords) a scrumptuous meal at the Paia Fish Market (where my picky son actually ate seafood,) a delightful afternoon at the Maui Ocean Center and then some boogie-boarding and bodysurfing at the neighborhood beach.

You can also read Nathan Kam’s Kam Family BlogHomespun Honolulu and watch videos on Beach Walks with Rox.

For more local flavor, turn to Alltop’s list of Hawaii blogs.

Texas USA

Peek behind the scenes with stingrays at SeaWorld

SeaWorld San Antonio shark mouth demo during a tour (photo by Sheila Scarborough)Breaking news….

….stingrays have very soft little vacuum-cleaner mouths.

I know this because when SeaWorld San Antonio hosted a group of Texas-based bloggers this past week, they took many of us on one of their educational tours (available to any visitor) to see some of the working areas of the park.

One stop included a small tank of young stingrays, and boy, do they like to eat!

Here’s a two-minute video with me, my son and one of our blogger group (Kristi and her family from Frugally Thrifty) perfecting our stingray feeding techniques. It was like being brushed with a cotton boll when they sucked the fresh fish bits from between our fingers.

Nope, no one was poked by any barbed tails.

Thanks, SeaWorld San Antonio and the San Antonio CVB, for hosting us!

Here’s the direct link to the stingray video on YouTube, if you can’t see the video box below:

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What you see here is what you get: new FTC rules and this blog

Many of you may have seen news items and/or blog posts about the new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules pertaining to blogger disclosures and celebrity endorsements.   They take effect on 1 December 2009 and violations will incur fines of up to US$11,000.

I have rather strong opinions about bloggers who get freebies, including free travel, and then don’t disclose to their readers when content is based on those nice opportunities.

For myself, I think there are rules about that sort of thing, so I’ve posted my thoughts in a new permanent Page: the Blog Disclosure Policy for the Family Travel Guide.

You can see the link in the upper right corner of the blog Home page, under Family & Travel Resources.

In sum, I say that if I get free stuff to write about, you’ll know it because I’ll disclose it.

I prefer to pay for my own stuff, though, so I can be truly mouthy about it.  But you kind of expected that from me, right?

For more detailed thoughts on the new FTC rules, you may wish to bounce over to one of my other blogs and read: What do new FTC blogging rules mean for press trips and fam tours?

Keeping it real, so you know what you’re getting….