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Photo of the Week: Lunchtime in Colonial Williamsburg

Chicken pot pie at the King's Arms Tavern, Colonial Williamsburg VA (photo by Sheila Scarborough)This is the chicken pot pie served at the King’s Arms Tavern restaurant in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.

Don’t you want to jump right into it?

Anyone can eat at the taverns in the historic area (you don’t have to buy the admissions pass to the other exhibits, buildings and performances, although I’d certainly recommend that if you have time.)

Try Christiana Campbell’s, Chowning’s and Shields in addition to King’s Arms;  they all have children’s menus (and pssst….Tarpley’s store nearby has old-fashioned candies if you don’t want a tavern dessert.)

If you want to stay in Colonial Williamsburg and truly immerse your kids in Revolutionary history, always check on the Web site for special packages that usually include hotel, breakfast and passes for everyone.

For example, I love the interactive street theater of the Revolutionary City mini-plays that reenactors stage all over the historic area, all day. Your family can participate in them with the Revolutionary City Adventure package.

Mostly, just make an excuse to get ahold of some of that pot pie.

(This post is my contribution to this week’s WanderFood Wednesday on the Wanderlust and Lipstick blog.)