
Parent to parent: baby travel gear tips

Author Jen Leo, who has been an outstanding travel writer and blogger for many years, is about to become a new mother (congrats, Jen!)

She started an interesting thread over on Twitter Moms asking about recommendations for baby travel gear.

How many of those gizmos and gadgets does a traveling parent really need?

Take a look at the thread; many experienced folks have weighed in and they have some good advice.

My input would be a thumbs-up for baby slings rather than strollers.  Slings are so much easier to use when you’re navigating a city or any public transportation, they leave your hands free, and here’s the thing….your kid is gonna squirm and yell and want to be held anyway.

That’s why there are so many parents at the local mall who are carrying their child and pushing a stroller full of shopping bags.
