
Get rubbed the right way in London

Brass Rubbing Centre projects (courtesy Christabelle at flickr's Creative Commons)A fun London activity for kids is deep inside the crypt of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church in Trafalgar Square — the London Brass Rubbing Centre.

Rubbings are a way of putting an image on paper without damaging the item underneath. The ones used at the Centre are brass replicas of artworks depicting typically English people like medieval ladies, knights and St. George.

You put the paper over the image and rub with a special crayon, and the imprint comes out on the paper, which you keep. There is a small fee.

It’s harder than it looks because many of their replicas are very detailed and need a lot of rather hard rubbing; pick a smallish-sized item for the younger children.

The crypt also has a gift shop and a nice cafe.

St. Martin-in-the-Fields is well-known as a lovely place for music, both sacred and secular, so try to time your family’s visit to coincide with a concert (at lunchtime they feature works played by young musicians and students.) This is the home of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, a classical music group formed in 1958 and led by Sir Neville Marriner, so there are plenty of classical concerts but also some jazz.

The Web site has the full concert schedule. To get there, the closest Tube station is Charing Cross.

Technorati tags: travel, family travel, London, Brass Rubbing Centre, St Martin in the Fields


Pounded by the Pound Sterling

I’ve seen two items in one day indicating that my recent warnings about high-cost London and Britain are still accurate.

The UK’s Guardian says that “The prospect of a further UK interest rate rise this week and continued problems in the United States housing market combined yesterday to push the pound to its highest level against the dollar in more than a quarter of a century.” Read more here in Guardian’s business section.

Joe Brancatelli, a super-experienced business traveler who writes the Seat 2B column for the new Conde Nast Portfolio magazine, says, “Later, London” and laments that although he loves the town personally, having to pay DOUBLE New York prices is causing him to lose considerable enthusiasm.

Can you imagine the costs for travel with kids, the ones who don’t have business expense accounts?

Technorati tags: travel, family travel, London

Blog Tips

Family Travel is a “Best of the Net”

The UK's Guardian

Oh, boy.  There is nothing like sitting down at the beloved laptop on a Saturday morning (sorry, I’m a sicko and I wrote that with a straight face) with my first cup of coffee, popping open the ol’ email and finding the nicest note from Stuart at the UK Web site The Family Adventure Project.

He and his wife Kirstie found this blog today in the UK newspaper the Guardian, because — taa-daa — the paper listed Family Travel as a “Best of the Net!”  In a list of proposed alternatives to the just-announced Travvies, there is FT in all its glory as a “Best Practical Blog.”

Wow! What an extraordinary honor….or for my other English readers, an “honour.” 🙂

I often link to the Guardian because they have a great online travel site, plus it’s always good to troll non-US publications for a new slant on travel and a different point of view (my RSS feeds also include the Telegraph, the Independent, the Times, Canada’s Globe and Mail and the Sydney Morning Herald.)

Thanks so much to Stuart for letting me know about this, and also for the chance to check out his site.  He put a Family Travel link on his page “Inspirational Stories Online,” which is simply chock-full of the most amazing stories of families on bikes, families on boats and families in Africa. It’s a thrill to be listed with such company.

In my thrumming practicality, I must now go to the grocery store because we are low on cat litter and cereal. What a comedown, but the glow remains. 

Thanks so much.

Update 4 March: I should have put this in the post in the first place but wasn’t thinking straight — here are the other travel blogs recommended by the Guardian:

Best Travel BlogTravelPod
Best Destination BlogMetroblogging Berlin
Best Single Author BlogTony Wheeler’s Blog
Best Group Written BlogWandalust
Best Photography on a BlogTokyoShoes 

Technorati tags:  family travel, bloggingtravel


London iPod Tours: Another View

As a follow-up to my previous posts on this topic, here’s a quick link to the Sydney Morning Herald’s article on touring London while (whilst?) listening to a guided tour on your iPod.

Have your listener also serve as your family’s tourguide; gives kids a chance to pontificate instead of always having to be on the receiving end.