
Who is in my feed list?

I met the irrepressible Lorelle van Fossen at the SOBCon 07 blogging conference and have started reading her advice and commentary posted at Lorelle on WordPress.  She does a weekly Blog Challenge, just to fire up the creative juices, and this week’s Challenge is to write about who is on my feed list.   

Lost you just now?  See my post called What’s the Heck’s an RSS feed and Why Do You Want One?”  

I’m not going to overwhelm you with my 95-100 feeds (it’s not that bad, I just skim the headlines and click through only when something interests me) so I’ve crunched it down to a sampling of my most recently added feeds:

**  Anders Meanders, by Helen Anders from the Austin American-Statesman

**  Brave New Traveler

**  Brazen Careerist, by Penelope Trunk

**  Digital Ethnography, by students at Kansas State and their professor, the ones who explained Web 2.0

**  Glossed Over, great snark about the fashion/beauty magazine industry. You’ll be a total cynic by the time the next Vogue gets to your mailbox.

**  Travel Log, the Washington Post travel blog

**  eMoms at Home, with bundle of energy Wendy Piersall

**  Travel god Arthur Frommer’s blog

**  The new travel blog Taking Off at the Chicago Tribune (yes, they were one of the first to turn down my Tokyo with a ‘tween article, but I hold no grudges! 🙂  

**  Mr. Magazine, by the Chair of the Journalism Dept. at the University of Mississippi, a guy who’s seriously into magazines.

**  Inkthinker, by Kristen King for freelance writers.

There, I’m pooped.  Thanks for the challenge, Lorelle!

Technorati tags: travel, family travel, blogging