England Planning a Trip travel guide

Getting from Bristol to Birmingham

Bristol is located in South West England . It is the sixth largest city in England and also one of the warmest and sunniest cities in the country, which makes it a pleasure to explore the city any time of the year.

Bristol and Birmingham are just 88 miles away, so there is no reason to fly between the two cities. So, you are left with traveling overland: by train, bus or car.

Quick summary

The cheapest way to travel between Bristol and Birmingham – or the other way around – is by bus. Even the fastest bus fare (which is more expensive than the slowest) is half as expensive as the train fare (and trains are only ½ h faster).

Trains from Bristol to Birmingham

National Rail operates trains between Bristol Temple Meads station and Birmingham New Street station, daily, every 30 min. The travel time is 1 ½ h and the single fare is £35.50.

>>read more about Train Travel in England

Buses from Bristol to Birmingham

National Express offers daily connection, about every hour, between Bristol and Birmingham. The fastest bus takes 1h 50 min and the single fare starts at £8.50 (on the slower bus – 3h) . Still, even on the fastest bus the fare is cheaper than the train fare (£10.50 or £20.50 depending on the time of departure).

>>read more about Bus Travel in England

Driving from Bristol to Birmingham

You can rent a car in Bristol and drive the 88 miles to Birmingham in about 1 ½ h on M5. Of course, the drive time also depends on the traffic.

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