Articles Croatia

Where to book your Croatia hostel

Croatia is one of those hot destinations that more and more people put on their travel priority lists each year. There aren’t a ton of hostels in Croatia yet, but based on the undeniable pattern seen around the world, that situation won’t last too long. There are already a handful of good and cheap hostels in Croatia’s major cities, and a few in more remote destinations as well.

The truth about hostel booking sites is that they all basically offer the exact same places at the exact same prices. Some use the phrase indicating you won’t find the same hostel cheaper anywhere else, but they might as well also add that you won’t find the same hostel for a higher price anywhere else.

But that said, there are differences in the different major hostel-booking sites. Some have better maps than others, and some have helpful travel guide information that helps you figure out which neighborhoods are best for your style of travel.

Just to make it easy on you, here are some of the major hostel-booking sites that cover Croatia so you can check them out yourself:






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